Nestled by the Belgian seaside in Knokke, Frydate tells a delightful story that combines the timeless charm of traditional friteries with a breath of innovation. Picture the classic “frietkot”, given a creative makeover to craft an experience appealing to all ages—a journey that brings families together.
Frydate pays a sincere tribute to the rich heritage of Belgian fries culture. Within its ambiance, you'll discover elements like the iconic canopy, familiar textures and patterns, and the inviting radiance of neon lights evoking precious memories of the popular "frietkot," embodying just a few of the treasured and celebrated hallmarks.
The heart of Frydate beats to the rhythm of craftsmanship, purity, and honesty, which echo through its interior.
This project came to life in collaboration with our partner SKINN BRANDING AGENCY.